Vocabulary Of The Week
By Lela S.

1. Keen
If you have a keen interest in something, you are really, really into it. Keen is an adjective that describes something that is intense, sharp, or focused.
2. Scruple
Your scruples are what keep you from doing things you consider to be morally or ethically wrong. Your scruples won't allow you to cheat on a test, or steal from your brother's Halloween candy stash.
3. Wrought
Wrought is an adjective that means "molded," "shaped," or "manufactured." A wrought-iron fence has been shaped to fit a particular ornamental style.
4. Might
Might is physical strength or power. If you try with all your might to climb a difficult rock wall, it means that you try as hard as you can to get to the top.
5. Duly
When you put in a lot of overtime hours at your job, you assume you'll be duly paid. Duly means "properly" or "appropriately."
6. Rendering
Anything that's been interpreted in an artistic form is a rendering — a song, a drawing, a theatrical performance.
7. Vale
A vale is a long depression in the land, usually between two hills and containing a river. A vale is a valley.
8. Sully
To sully is to attack someone's good name and to try to ruin his reputation. If you spread false rumors that Dream cheated in his 1.16 world record speedrun, you would sully Dream’s good reputation.
9. Deference
Sure you wear ripped jeans to school every day, but you don't wear them to your grandmother's house out of deference to her. When you show deference to someone, you make a gesture of respect.
10. Wanton
Wanton describes something excessive, uncontrolled and sometimes even cruel. The principal sees a food fight as a wanton act of vandalism done with wanton disregard for the rules, but the kids might just see it as fun.
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