Smoothie recipe 1: Lela Star's Recipe
¼ cup Organic Greek Yogurt
1 tsp Pumpkin Seeds
¼ cup Strawberries
¼ cup Blueberries
1 Banana
½ cup Milk
Optional: 2 dollops of Vanilla Ice Cream or Whipped Cream
Optional: Sprinkles
Put everything in the blender except for ingredients 7 and 8
Blend them all up until you can’t see any more chunks of anything except pumpkin seeds
Optional: Add 1 dollop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream and mix with a spoon until you don’t see chunks of ice cream or whipped cream
Optional: Add 1 dollop of ice cream or whipped cream
Optional: Add sprinkles
Smoothie Recipe 2: Fatoom's Recipe
¼ Cup Strawberries
¼ Cup Blueberries
¼ cup Raspberries
½ of a banana
½ cup Milk
1 tablespoon chocolate chips
Put all the ingredients in a blender
Blend them all up
Pour everything in cups