No More Masks In High School (COVID-19 Update: 11/09/21)
By Lela S. <?

After over a year of not being able to breathe at school, the Quebec government has finally allowed us high school students to take off our face coverings when sitting at our desks. It’s still mandatory to wear a mask when moving around on school grounds, though. However, elementary students will still need to wear masks at all times, including while seated. This change will take place on November 15.
As well as that, Quebec bars and restaurants will be able to operate at full capacity, with dancing and singing karaoke allowed again (masks are still mandatory though, as well as a proof of vaccination). Workplaces will no longer prioritize working from home, and gyms will no longer require distancing and face masks. Ski hills will be allowed to operate at full capacity this year, and skiers will be required to wear masks on enclosed gondolas, but not on open-air chairlifts.
Lela’s Opinion: Honestly? It’s super good news that the pandemic is getting so much better that we’re not supposed to wear our masks anymore. However, I’m the only one in my grade 7 class who is still 11, and you know where it’s going from there: I AM NOT VACCINATED YET! This is why I’m choosing to keep my mask on. I would suggest my friends to keep their masks on, too, because it’s also for their own safety.
I respect the government’s decision to allow us the right to remove our masks and give the bars, restaurants, workplaces, gyms, and ski hills more freedom. However, I’m wondering if it’s a little too much. We’re just going to have to wait and see.