CookyLela Poem
By Lela S. <3

I don’t remember writing this, but the paper version I found on my desk just now said that I wrote it very, very, very late at night, like, in the AMs… (sorry Mommy)
We are working on CookyLela News
So our website gets a lot of views.
Our newspaper is for all kids and teens
No one gets bored during COVID-19.
Lela, Emi, Lol, Fatoom, work all day
El, Alex, KitKat, Valid, Skye and Tay
The other members who chose not to stay
Together in meetings, we write and play.
In every meeting, we have lots of fun
Write, edit, publish, that’s how the job’s done.
Birthdays, parties, and soon 4K views
We’re not just colleagues, we’re best friends, that’s true!
News, opinion, and poems like these
DIY, history, fun and games please.
Podnews, WixSite, and articles galore
You’ll definitely be begging for more!
Soon will come Roblox game, CLN App
To read you will need just one single tap.
Thank you for all the support this past year
CLN fans are the best - you’re still here?
A secret message in CookyLela News just for you!